Obtain the tools in how to apply NeuroGraphica to your own life ~ to grow, question, heal and resolve obstacles in your own life – only. You may not teach others, help others, coach or guide others in any form, and you may not use Neurographica in groups/classes.
SPECIALIST COURSE:If you are a qualified therapist/coach/counselor and are as fascinated about Neurographica as I am and would like to assist other people to use Neurographica then the Specialist Course is the perfect one to complete.
This method is a beautiful compliment to one’s professional practice which you can utilise straight away once certified!
- Coaching models taught to you: “NeuroTree”, “TRUE”, “Quality of life”, “SCORE”, “NeuroRain” and “NeuroLotus”.
- Supervision and feedback of your assignments.
- All participants of the Specialist course will get access to a Specialist community group for the purpose of supervision and exchange of experience.
- Preparation and submission of 3 case studies to get certified.
- Certification upon successful completion of Specialist requirements.
- Bonus videos of recorded coaching sessions.
- Bonus videos of additional information about being a Specialist.
You won’t just learn the coaching models and drawing techniques, you will undertake your own case study and apply the models to yourself in a self-coaching format.
The Specialist has the right to give only one-on-one coach sessions for algorithms:
- T.R.U.E.
- S.C.O.R.E.
- STRATA or Qualities of Life
- Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL)
- Algorithm for Revealing Intention (ARI)
And give one-on-one sessions or group coaching sessions for the following algorithms:
- NeuroTree,
- NeuroLotus,
- NeuroRain.
The goal of a Neurographica Specialist is to guide the client from point A to point B; by means of the Neurographica algorithm and reflection process - the focus, to reach a desired result.
You will be qualified to use Neurographica in your private practice. You will teach your client how to draw Neurolines and do Rounding only, no in depth explanations or details. You will use it as a form of Art Therapy only; then use their drawings as a tool to investigate their thoughts and feelings.
It pretty much work on a “Do as I do” concept. A Neurographica Specialist leads coaching sessions where clients participate only, in drawing using Neurographica – you may not teach people about Neurographica.
For more details, any questions, queries or uncertainties, please contact me directly.
This is the third level. As an Instructor, you have the right to use the method of NeuroGraphica in your professional practice and teach Neurographica to others (the basic user course and all the algorithms). Instructors can use the method and have a right to use the word “NeuroGraphica” in the title of events.
All fees that you pay towards my certified courses (for example, Neurocolour, NeuroMandala, etc) will be deductible from the Instructor Course fee.