You will find a survey consisting of 30 questions, each answerable on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 signifies complete dissatisfaction and 10 represents complete satisfaction.
Take the test to explore yourself. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers here. Just be yourself!

Our lives are constantly changing, and it's perfectly okay if some aspects are currently less prioritised than others. For instance, you might be dedicating all your efforts to a specific project at hand.

However, if this imbalance persists for too long, the areas that are being neglected can start to significantly deplete your energy. In such scenarios, the most effective step you can take is to seek balance in both yourself and your life.

Upon completing this survey, you will immediately see your results. I will also provide you with detailed instructions on how to interpret them and strategies for achieving a greater balance across the various areas of your life.
Please be prepared to enter your email to receive your results.

Are you ready?
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