You are a visual thinker - you memorise and learn things by visually processing them
You want to learn a new innovative technique to plan your life
You want to bring harmony to your internal world
You are planning changes in your life
You want to bring more motivation to your vision of the future
You want to learn more about yourself and how to get the best out of yourself
This course is your key to unlocking a profound understanding of your life's narrative and shaping the narrative yet to unfold
"I have done quite a few NeuroGraphica courses with Anna already and I have to say she is an amazing teacher very close to my heart:
— very well structured, clear presentation
— really takes the time to explain things properly
— an artist know-how I can look up to and strive towards
— and always available to answer questions"
Sharon Buckley
Tahera Rashid
Bren Interlandi
Lara Brook