
The Desire To Create

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to create. As an artist, a mother, an aesthetic coach and a storyteller…
Everything starts with family…and I was lucky enough to come from a very loving, supportive and hard-working one. My Parents worked very long hours, so I had to learn to be independent from a very early age, and took myself to school and back at the tender age of 8 with the house keys tied on a string around my neck.

I cooked for myself on a gas stove, walked our dog (who was twice my size) but when my chores were done I turned to drawing and reading to unwind. It was my escape, my treat to myself and my therapy!

I went on to study at Art school where I learned Academic Art, Sculpture, History and Theory, but I was always a little too curious and impatient to be drawing still life for 8 hours at a time!

I was always interested in using Art as a personal transformation tool, and improving ones self-awareness through drawing. My Mother was a Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, and I always found the world of Psychology fascinating.

It was a combination of these two passions that led me to NeuroGraphica - and a rewarding, fun and beautiful career as a NeuroGraphica Instructor.

☀️ Anna Denning - your guide in #NeuroGraphicaUniverse#AnnaNeuroArt
2023-10-10 16:11