
Collider of Success

Everything I manifested came true, thanks to Collider.
If you are wondering why I am talking about the Collider, read ⬇️
It’s hard to believe but I am very grateful for the pandemic period of my life!

Now, a few years later, we remember that time very differently. But back then, when all of a sudden we were quarantined, it was a very acute experience. It was as if you were locked in a cage and completely deprived of freedom. But the thing is, that's exactly how I felt at the time. A housewife, a mother, a wife, trapped in a cage of domestic duties and the circle of chores. There seemed to be no end in sight. Laundry, cleaning, piles of dishes and every day is a Groundhog Day.

Pandemic showed me complete darkness, but also brought me into the light.

I vividly remember the day my sister posted strange but very beautiful drawings on instagram. I was drinking my coffee in the morning scrolling through Instagram, getting ready to start the familiar routine of domestic chores to complete, setting myself up for another long day. And suddenly I saw these amazing drawings.

That's how I was introduced to NeuroGraphica®️!

It became a ray of light for me, which then led to the source itself! The source of life, love, prosperity, success.

I'm writing this post now and I'm looking at one of my favourite pieces, the ‘Collider of Development’ or I like to call it the ‘Collider of Success’. I framed it and it is sitting on the table in my office.

I drew it in the very year of 2020. What do you feel when you hear “the Collider of Success"? Acceleration? Magnification? Anticipation?

I made this drawing in a state of anticipation. Despite quarantine, mountains of dishes and my Groundhog Day reality.

I was drawing my journey in NeuroGraphica®️. I wanted to become an instructor and teach people this amazing method, which became a real guiding Star for me.

And now, in 2023, I am a NeuroGraphica®️ Instructor, having trained hundreds of people in the method. And all those areas that I drew in the Collider have accelerated and scaled up. 95% have come true and continue to come true.

And I keep drawing. No matter what's going on around me, I'm drawing.

I draw and it comes true. Easily, joyfully and brightly.

And I can't stop thanking they year of 2020, NeuroGraphica and my Collider of Success.

I love that name!

What do you associate it with?
2023-07-03 09:00