
Drifting or Destination?

“‍Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?‍”

“‍That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,‍” said the Cat.

“‍I don’t much care where—‍” said Alice.

“‍Then it doesn’t mat ter which way you go,‍” said the Cat.

Alice in Won der land, Lewis Carroll

I love to walk, and as a child I always had close, reliable friends to walk with - my dogs! A powerful Great Dane Karat, a quirky curly-haired Airedale terrier called Fram and a hysterical but very sweet rescue called Ksyusha (I found her freezing in a snowdrift and took her in). Then in later life I had Tegas; a giant, noble teddy-bear of a dog!

I loved my dogs as much as I love walking.

Sometimes walks are all about following your nose and taking it all in - just you and your faithful Pup admiring nature, the warmth of the sun, sniffing every plant you pass and generally fooling around!

But dogs are easily distracted, and if they see a squirrel on a low branch they’ll bolt! Suddenly they have a purpose, an intent, a new focus. They are still walking in the same direction, but their purpose has changed.

This its the essence of Yin and Yang.

In this context, these ancient principles can also be described as an ‘Attraction’ walk and a ‘Manifestation’ walk and our lives can follow a similar path.

When you live by the principle of attraction, you attract what you think. It is a more of a yin concept - you just go with the flow.

But when you have a target to focus on, your life takes on a different meaning! You have a compass, a map and a direction.

Manifesting is confidently throwing a statement on the table of life saying "I've decided, this is the way it's going to be from now on!" Strong, powerful, effective!

But do you know what the coolest part is? When you combine the law of attraction with the power of Manifestation, you walk with intention and at the same time remember to enjoy the scenery!

What does your walk in life look like right now? Are you just drifting? Or are you focused on your destination?

Thanks to #NeuroGraphica, I am able to combine focus with enjoying life.

☀️ Anna Denning - your guide in #NeuroGraphicaUniverse

