
Meet the new me

There is a scientific school of thought that believes our body cells renew themselves every seven years. Some genuinely believe this, others completely deny it, but by this logic, every 7 years you become an entirely ‘new’ person.

If you were to compare Anna Denning now to Anna Denning 7 years ago, you would see the same person on the outside, but a very different one internally.

I will introduce you to both Annas!
Anna 7 years ago was a perfect wife, mother and a home maker, and externally my life looked very normal. I had a lovely home, a husband, two beautiful children and a pet dog. My daily routine would have been familiar to many women - nothing really to complain about, just ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’!

But internally there was something wrong - some niggling anxiety, a subtle pang of longing and an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction. I was telling myself that it was all okay, but something felt out of place and I just couldn’t figure it out. I slowly came around to the realisation that I needed a change, I needed answers!

But real answers only come around when you ask the right questions.

This is how NeuroGraphica®️ came into my life!

The Method helped me to divide my life into ‘Before’ and ‘After’. It became my ‘magic door’, and when I opened it I began to see the world and myself in a completely different light!

So now, the new Anna Denning is blossoming in all areas of her life.

Thanks to NeuroGraphica®️, I learned to ask myself the right questions, and the answers have been pouring in ever since! It was as if my true self had emerged and was shining a new light in to every areas of my life.

I love with the new Anna Denning with all my heart!

I credit NeuroGraphica®️ with this turnaround, and will forever be grateful for the Method that helped me find the strength to make positive changes in my life.

Please share your transformative journeys below. How does ‘before’ you compare to ‘after’ you? Do you have a magic door?

☀️ Anna Denning - your guide in #NeuroGraphicaUniverse


2023-07-04 07:19